SEPULTURA - LIVE IN SAO PAULO published February 2006, Zero Magazine

There are few words in the English language that sound sexier when put together than these three: Brazilian, death-metal. And now the god-fathers of this movement in world music have put together a monster of a live album that proves after 20 years of rocking, they are still very alive and kicking.
Singer Derrick Green's vocals are as blunt and hazardous as a metal mallet. It is more than a relief to hear him pushing it to the limit during a live show. Most great singers tend to perform while preserving their voices, pacing themselves for the long tour. This is totally understandable so we can only conclude that Green is superhuman.
Who else has a weakness for the didjeridu? Not only is it a bitch to play, it just sounds amazing. Every element of Sepultura is crystal clear in the live show. The brisk, afro-cuban drums, the chunky guitars. Nothing is held back. Even Green's speaking voice touches a nerve deep in your stomach that convinces you if he talked to you face to face, you would vomit all over his shoes and he would have to kill you.
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