GUTTERMOUTH - SHAVE THE PLANET published September 2006, Zero Magazine

Shave The Planet is classic Guttermouth but anyone who has been listening thus far would be the least surprised. The band has essentially sounded the same since the first album with the exception of 1999s Gorgeous which seemed a little more versatile with flecks of hardcore found in the predominantly skate-punk mix.
This is almost a complaint until certain songs stick out on the album that really remind you of the sense of humor of the band in not only its lyrics, but style. In the middle of rapid-fire power chords will all of the sudden appear a gut-busting solo. Every now and then, Mark Adkins will strap on a southern twang to his vocals. Small surprises like these keep listeners in the legions and keep a band loyal to their style, not bound to it. You like Guttermouth. You like Shave The Planet. Simple.
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