Daily Affirmation

On average, I buy two CD's every pay period. This last pay period I bought Tomahawk's Mit Gas and Mr. Bungle's self titled which I am currently addicted to. Such a monster chameleon that band is. A genre shape shifter. Usually, bands like these are too much for me. Too much sound to process and too many emotions and energies aroused so I am in constant flux and cannot find a groove. But this album is the most metal out of all Bungle albums and that melds it together. It almost constantly rocks. Not to mention that I haven't heard Mike Patton's voice so whiny and nasally since FNM's The Real Thing and I love that. It's sexy.

Mit Gas is a good but bizarre album at times. Definitely a lot more rockier than the first album but there is this one song Captain Midnight...TOTALLY DREDG it's scary. Watery fucking guitars, little, tiny techno trimmings smashing into a singy/screamy chorus. Fucking what??? I've never heard Patton conform to the pop rock song template. I still like the song though. I just think it's funny.
I signed up to interview Fat Mike for the magazine this month. But I haven't heard anything back yet so I prolly didn't get it. Not surprised. I'm an amateur and a young one at that so I'm sure they wouldn't go out of their way to give me a shot at a big interview. I also signed up to review the new Cannibal Corpse which I am positive I won't get. But oh well. I also asked for some shit I have never heard of: The Drogues and The Ditty Bops. Let's hope I get fucking something.

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