Daily Affirmation

I can't remember the last time I got really excited about a new band who I knew nothing about so I'm sure it has been a while. Check out Cold War Kids. Fucking brilliant and uncharacteristically from L.A.
By the way guys, Captain Ahab is pretty cool but there is no way I could listen to this shite everyday. Purely novelty. Which I'm not knocking, but still.
For the past few weeks, I have really lost the zeal for writing rock reviews. This also coincides with my recent embark into the comic universe. I was re-thinking my role as a critic. Maybe my love affair with rock music was starting to cool while I discovered other genres of entertainment and art. Then I looked at how many fucking cds are in my trash right now. About ten. I haven't kept a single one that I have gotten from the mags in quite a while. So I sighed a relief in knowing that it isn't my love for rock that is dying. It's my hatred for bland, shitty music that is killing my will to discover new sounds. Kinda sucks. It really, really depresses me how much music there is out there and how much I despise most of it and how everyone who creates it justs thinks it is so precious. I feel terrible. It's like telling someone they have an ugly baby. And how many times can I make the same diagnosis? "You're missing something. Find an edge." So easy to say yet I don't even know what that means. It's beyond words. It is like trying to explain why my heart pumps faster when I listen to metal. I don't know why it happens. All I know is that I don't go to the gym without a Meshuggah play list.
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