DEFLATOR MOUSE - THE NEW ONE published June 2006, Zero Magazine

When I was a kid and Saturday morning cartoons were still an immovable part of my schedule, Deflator Mouse was my favorite character from The Tick. While he was silly, he was often surly. It is in this respect that name selection for this band is brilliant. Point in case is the song "Fuck Tom Cruise" that ever so cheerfully wishes the actor's involvement in any kind of horrible accident.
Brilliant is yet again a word to describe Deflator Mouse's sound however it is not in the genius sense. The tone of this album is so bright it is blinding. Listening to it is like biting into a ripe orange: so sweet that you are almost forced to cringe. However, the energy of this project is it’s redemption. This is a sound suitable for a listener who is a mover and shaker looking for an upbeat soundtrack to their life. If you are a busy little bee, you will find Deflator Mouse's brand of pop rock invigorating.
- Briana Hernandez