Doosey of Love

While Daisy of Love just ain't no I Love New York, the gentlemen callers may just be worth the DVR space. From grabby Toolbox to whiny Cable Guy (really, she named him Cable a complement...because cable guys are sexy), they really are the meat, no pun, of the show. Don't count on much wow from our bumbling host. I kind of don't see why VH1 thought she was strong enough to fly solo. "My life is not black and white--it's color!" I see.
But what, what, WHAT is 12-Pack doing back in the mix??? The I Love New York season one contestant may be a perfect fit for this show, but I'm guessing Miss Daisy didn't watch New York--or at least the part where muscle man confessed he's an actor and had no real interest in dating host Tiffany Pollard if awarded the final chain. Maybe she just thinks she's better than New York. Hopefully she never forms the balls to say that to her face. Come on, if Heather kicked your ass, New York will cut you. Ask Pumpkin.
-Briana Hernandez