Monday, May 04, 2009

The horrors that can happen in an mmmbop.

Super groups. I will never again be excited by that phrase. FromVH1's exploits of putting Ted Nugent and Sebastian Bach on the same stage to everyone getting so extremely hot over Jack White's power foursome composed of himself and...three guys no one gives a crap about, I'm pretty much unaffected by news of high-profile collaborations. That is until I got whiff of Tinted Windows: Fountains of Wayne's Adam Schlesinger, former Pumpkin James Iha, Cheap Tricks' Bun E. Carlos and a man I wanted to marry when I was 12, Taylor Hanson, formerly of brotherly trio Hanson.

How the hell did this happen? This "Rock After Dark" promo just makes it all the more surreal. The bad camera shots, creepy host and Miami Vice wardrobe just makes me sit in waiting for the NBC logo to appear at the bottom right corner of the screen just before Iha screams "Live from New York..."

But it just won't happen and I am left again alone with my deepened disappointment of the words "super group."

-Briana Hernandez


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