Friday, June 12, 2009

First show fizzles, Robson sizzles--again.

It took a while, but I am now fully sucked in despite not really giving a hoot about dance and cringing more at Mary Murphey's dead eyes and squawking voice than I have at any of Tyra's antics on ANTM (even Goddess of Fierce). So You Think You Can Dance has officially reeled me in and now monopolizes my Wednesday nights, this last being the first episode with the top 20 finalists.

Now, I know I mentioned that I don't really care about dance and that's true. However, it makes people like me some of the best viewers for this show. If we're moved, you know it's brilliant. That said, this first show had plenty of glitz, little guile.

One exception, as always, was modern dance choreographer Wade Robson's routine. Seriously, the guy swaggers in, says "G'day" and steals the show every single time. This episode, it was the adorable flirtation of crash test dummies that stole everyone's hearts. Yeah, I guess you had to be there.

-Briana Hernandez


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